
Dyslexia effects adults too. It is often only associated with childhood and learning to read and write. It is in fact something that stays with a person throughout their lives as it is to do with how a brain processes information and perceives the world as opposed to being able to do something or not. Dyslexia does not limit what you can do only changes the way something may normally be done. What happens when a person does not have a dyslexia diagnosis until there are an adult. There are layers of unseen experience that go into how a person with dyslexia perceives themselves when they have tried to adapt to thinking and perceiving through another persons way of working all their life and the unrecognised layers of unseen shame, self limitation and burnout from working extra hard at managing the internalised expectations of trying to adapt and fit in to a system geared to support a different way of thinking. All this exists along side a wealth of strength in having broadened perception, innovation, original thinking and resourcefulness. Dyslexia builds a rich and deep ground that ofter goes unheard and unseen. What if you were to nurture that soil, care for it and watch what grows from it.


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